SEO Consultant Melbourne

Looking for a Melbourne SEO Consultant who takes the time to understand your business? SEO is a saturated industry — there are hundreds of agencies insisting on knowing the secrets to quick success. Finding an honest and reputable Melbourne SEO consultant who can take your business to new heights and deliver on their “first page guarantee” can seem like an uphill battle.

Work with an experienced Melbourne SEO specialist who is committed to enhancing your online presence through organic traffic acquisition. I will take the time to get to know where your business is now and what needs to be done to help support online growth. Unlike other marketing agencies, I don’t dabble in social media marketing, Google AdWords, or any other form of marketing. I spend all of my time keeping up to date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm shifts.

There are more than 200 factors that influence and determine Google’s search ranking algorithm. With so many factors at play, it makes sense to work with a Melbourne SEO expert who lives and breathes search engine optimisation.


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How Melbourne SEO Services WOrk


You don’t need your site to rank #1 for every keyword that is applicable to your industry – you just need to rank for the right ones. As an endured Melbourne SEO Consultant, I can help you distinguish your strongest opportunities, where your target audience are lurking, and how Search Engine Optimisation can draw them to your website.

I use exclusively White Hat Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to better your business increase search engine visibility in an organic and straightforward fashion. Melbourne SEO is a competitive landscape, I work with measurable and scalable SEO strategies that will increase traffic and find qualified leads. Showing on page 1 in Melbourne is excellent, but the end goal should always be page 1 for keywords that will actually attract qualified leads - acquiring the right traffic is my specialty.  

If you want your business to be visible in relevant Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), you need to get serious about SEO. A professional Melbourne SEO specialist can steer you in the right direction so that your website ranks in Google for keywords and key phrases that are going to help high-converting customers find your business first.   

Can you get me to rank #1 in the search results?

Ask any experienced marketer and they'll tell you the same thing: SEO is completely dynamic. There is a multitude of elements that determine how your website will rank compared to other Melbourne businesses. SEO is constantly evolving, and, as a local SEO Melbourne expert, it’s my job to stay up to date with the latest algorithm trends that affect the way that sites are listed in Google, Bing and other search engines.

Every year, search engine marketing company Moz releases a study analysing the most important local SEO ranking factors. The latest studies reveal that on-page keyword usage is the most powerful on-site SEO factor that is utilised to determine where a website will display in the search results. Understanding keyword trends, competitor keyword usage, and keyword difficulty scores are why you should engage with an SEO-centric content marketer, who can supercharge your business's online presence.

There is no handbook or exact equation for what will get your business to rank #1 on SERP’s in Melbourne. The reality is, if Google published their ranking algorithm, they would lose their ability to charge marketers for the AdWords platform – the service responsible for generating more than 90% of their revenue in 2017. It’s in Google’s best interest to keep their organic ranking algorithm a secret.

As an SEO Specialist in Melbourne, it’s my job to stay on top of the latest SEO changes that determine the way that content is ranked – it’s a full-time gig, literally. You’re not just paying for the copy that fills your pages, you’re paying for the analysis and strategy that goes into everything that I write.

What makes me different to other Melbourne SEO Consultants?


Liam Ridings SEO Consultant

Because locating a reputable Local SEO consultant in Melbourne who cares to get to know your business is unique these days. Have you ever worked with a Marketing Agency and felt like you were just contributing to their Staff Party Fund? When you work with me, you’re working 1 on 1 with an SEO expert who is invested in the growth of your business. I’m passionate (and slightly obsessed) with absorbing myself in SEO, so that I can transfer that expertise onto my clients and deliver content that drives high returns.

My Melbourne SEO services can be customised to fit your business, industry, and marketing goals.

As a Freelance SEO consultant, I am lucky enough to work closely with a wide variety of small businesses, brands, and start-ups to detect opportunities for organic growth. My specialty is developing and producing content marketing strategies that build your name and get your brand in front of more converting customers. I’m not a desk guy waiting for the clock to tick over to 5pm - I relish working with clients and helping them to obtain long-term and measurable SEO success for their Melbourne businesses.

Search engine optimisation FAQ

Do SEO Services Really Work?

Yes, however, they demand time, patience, and trust. Unlike PPC advertising platforms like Google Adwords and Facebook Marketing, SEO Services are a sustainable and scalable marketing solution for businesses who are in it for the long run. The cost of engaging with an SEO consultant can be disconcerting, so it’s critical to consider the potential revenue growth that effective SEO can provide over time, and compare that to the continuous costs of having to pay for every user who visits your website with Pay Per Click Marketing. For some businesses, PPC advertising is an important component of their overall digital marketing approach, for others, they rely stringently on organic traffic produced through Search Engine Optimisation.


Why can’t I just use content from the top ranking website in my industry?

Think of Google as the most meticulous University Lecturer you’ve never met – it doesn't matter how careful you think you’ve been in copying or repurposing content from your competitors, Google can decipher (in less than a second) the original source of that content. The aspect of ‘duplicate content’ is a controversial issue within the SEO community. Many assume that Google (and other search engines) will penalise websites who are found trying to pass off plagiarised content as their own, while others believe that Google will totally disregard your content and exclude it from the SERPs. Either way, copying content from your competitors is not going to advance your organic search rankings.  


My Search Engine Rankings are changing every day, is this normal?

Do not fret. Google visibility can shift from day-to-day and always without any warning. Just because you rank #1 doesn’t mean you’ll keep that spot forever. In fact, maintaining the top spot is hard work. Competitors are always referring to your site for trade best practices, that’s why it takes ongoing commitment to rank at the top of SERPs and stay there.

Here are a few reasons as to why your search engine rankings can change:

  • Google has made updates to its algorithm that impacts your website

  • Google is prioritising the rankings based on the behaviour of users that are interacting with the search results

  • New contenders are entering the search engine results or are publishing new content

If there’s one thing to know about SEO, it’s that it is ever-changing. Nothing is assumed to stay the same, so it is crucial to observe changes in traffic and engage with an SEO specialist who can break down the cause and provide a tangible solution.


Is there a quicker way to get listed in the Search Engines?

The speed in which your fresh content will be indexed and ranked in the search engines will depend on several factors. The age, composition, domain authority, reliability, and crawlability of your website can significantly influence how quickly Google will index and rank your content.

SEO is a long-term game. It takes patience and trust to recognise how the content that you produce can affect your long-term traffic and visibility.  

Google may index your pages within a couple of hours. However, attaining high rankings (particularly for a new website) may take a little bit longer — approximately three to six months. Your keyword usage plays an important role in getting your website ranking for competitive keywords that will attract the most profitable rankings overtime. My SEO Strategies will include a mix of highly contentious (lucrative) and low competition keyword targeting. Good things take time, and a new website ranking well in Google for highly contentious keywords won’t occur overnight – strategy, planning and long-term foresight are paramount to your SEO success.

Note: Take caution with companies that promise an astronomical boost in traffic within a short period. Black Hat SEO tactics such as buying spammy links, manipulating page structure, and sneaking in thin-content pages that address very specific keywords are being carefully watched by Google. Sometimes, (although it is now increasingly uncommon), Black hat SEO techniques may achieve short-term gains for your website, but a single Google penalty could take your website months (or even years) to recover — you really don’t want to end up in Google’s bad books.

 My SEO strategies focus purely on long term growth and sustainability.


Are Search Engine Optimisation Services a One Time Project?

Straightening out your SEO health is the most essential part of your SEO campaign. My SEO services use long-term strategies that set all of the pieces in place to secure long-term success in the search rankings.  

Similarly to the way that your business is constantly changing and evolving to accommodate customer needs, so is Google's algorithm. Search Engines are regularly advancing to keep up with the way that people are using the internet. As such, Search Engines will influence the fate of your online business. Having an SEO specialist on your team means that whenever Google updates its algorithm (which can be up to 40 times per month), you can adapt, and – when required –modify your content and your website.


What does White Hat SEO mean?

In Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) language, white hat SEO is the practice of using optimisation methods that are prioritise creating for the human audience, rather than manipulating the search engines. A website that is optimised for SEO using White Hat techniques concentrates on the interaction with the user, rather than formulating content for the purpose of achieving rankings.

White Hat SEO or ‘Ethical SEO’ as it is sometimes termed is for companies who appreciate the long-term sustainability of their online growth. Some White Hat SEO methods that are used for sustainability include keyword research, keyword analysis, link building (with an emphasis on natural, meaningful link placement), well researched copy, and site structure that centres on providing the best user experience.


What does Black Hat SEO mean?

In Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) terms, black hat SEO refers to dishonest or manipulative SEO tactics and practices that concentrate on search engines with little regard for how it affects user experience.

Google now makes it increasingly challenging for professional SEO’s to ‘cheat the system’. Old-school tactics such as invisible text, keyword stuffing, PBN link building, link exchange, thin content pages, and overuse of keywords for rankings, are being easy detected and penalised by Search Engines.

Black hat SEO is used by those looking for an immediate route to high rankings – all the while understanding that these sneaky techniques will be punished and omitted from SERPs by Google. In some cases, Black Hat SEO techniques will result in a website being completely forbidden from a search engine – a high price to pay for legitimate businesses and websites.


How Do Some Agencies Offer Such Cheap SEO Services?

As is the way with any competitive industry, Search Engine Optimisation companies can deliver varying levels of work that result in enormously different outcomes. There are Melbourne SEO Services that have arisen offering remarkably cheap packages that guarantee big results - yet deliver very little. In my experience in a client-side marketing position, I’ve seen the outcome of these cheap SEO companies first hand.

Most these companies outsource their work and use Black Hat tactics to capitlise off their client's niavety. What most clients don't realise is that their monthly payment is being spent on an automated SEO tool that isn’t worth the server on which it is hosted.  

By working with Liam Ridings Copywriter, you can rest assured knowing that you are engaging with a knowledgeable and results driven SEO Consultant in Melbourne. I only employ White Hat SEO tactics that achieve scalable, long term results. All of the work on your website is conducted by me, which means that any queries you have about your SEO outcomes can be answered by me – without having to try and contact an overseas consultant.

Most importantly, my Melbourne based SEO Services are regarding generating leads and sales – not just traffic. Getting high rankings and increased traffic is great, but if it’s not addressed to the right place, it’s not going to assist your business in growth. My SEO progress is measured against your bottom line, not just on increased search engine rankings.


Why Should I Choose Liam Ridings SEO Melbourne Services?

  • I work with each business one-on-one to come up with a strategy that will work for sustainable search engine rankings that produces relevant and qualified traffic to your website.

  • My Melbourne SEO Services are priced competitively and allow for a standard of quality that you won’t find when engaging with a big marketing agency.

  • I live and breathe SEO Melbourne. I love search engine marketing and I am constantly keeping on top of with the latest trends, algorithm shifts and practices that I can pass on to my clients.

  • In a word of smoke screens and unfounded guarantees, my services are a breath of fresh air. I’ll always take the time to understand your business, your goals, and your industry before I promise an X% increase in traffic in X amount of time. I am honest – if I think that I can help your business, I’ll work with you. If I think that you’d be better off with someone else – I’ll point you in the right direction. My company is built on integrity and trust.

  • I work closely with my in-house web-developer to develop technical SEO solutions. We are able to create large websites that significantly extend reach in a short period.


Will Lots of Content Get High Rankings?

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Creating content is important, but creating the RIGHT content is paramount. To achieve high rankings in Google, it’s essential to publish high-quality content that provides real insight and value to your audience.

Everyone is aiming for #1 in Google. The main difference between the website that ranks #1 and the website presenting page 4 or 5 is methodology. The secret for SEO success is not always simple, but there are a lot of elements that can definitely improve your chances of reaching the coveted first page.


What is Negative SEO?

Not all websites are created ethically. When it comes to ranking high in Google, you can either hoist yourself up, or push others down. In contentious industries, it’s not uncommon for websites to use some unethical off-site methods that have the potential to harm other sites with negative SEO.

During an SEO Audit, one of the first things that I will do is analyse your backlink profile. To protect yourself from Negative SEO, it’s important to regularly monitor your backlinks, produce a disavow report, and send them to Google.


How Frequently Should I Publish Content?

There is no simple answer to this question. The frequency of content creation should depends on how competitive your niche is and what your opponents are doing. In saying that, generally, the more frequently you can publish fresh articles, the better. Fresh content is not only a great way to rank for new keywords and attract new users, but it also plays an important role in signalling to Google. Search Engines want to know that your website is still active and relevant; publishing fresh content regularly lets them know that you’re actively providing new information to users.


Can I Get SEO for Free?

Not unless you’d like to work for free! SEO is a full time gig - it takes time, patience, and resources. Learning and keeping up to date with SEO trends is what you’re paying for when you work with an SEO consultant in Melbourne.


How Long Does SEO Take?

There is no exact formula to determine when websites will see results from SEO strategies. It will depend on the keywords that are being targeted and the market saturation.

A big website with a solid foundation and strong source of links may see results in just a few weeks, while a smaller or newly established website may have to wait months for any payoff. SEO is an ongoing practice. Investing in SEO is investing in the long term success and sustainability of your business. Typically, most SEO campaigns that I conduct will last from 9-12 months. There are no lock in contracts and you’re free to go at any time.