SEO Specialist Gold Coast

Struggling to find an SEO Consultant on the Gold Coast who takes the time to get to know your business? SEO is a competitive environment — there are hundreds of marketers out there insisting they know all of the big SEO secrets. Finding a genuine and reliable Gold Coast SEO consultant who can help your business grow and deliver on their “first page promise” can seem like the impossible.

Work with an independent Gold Coast SEO specialist who is committed to advancing your business through organic traffic acquisition. I will take the time to appreciate where your business is now and what needs to be done to enhance online growth. Unlike other marketing consultants, I don’t waste time dabbling in social media marketing, Google AdWords, or any other form of digital marketing. I focus all of my time solely on keeping up to date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm modifications.

Over 200 factors are influencing Google’s search ranking algorithm. With so many determinants at play, it makes sense to work with a Gold Coast SEO expert who lives and breathes search engine optimisation.


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How Gold Coast SEO Services WOrk


You don’t have to be #1 for every keyword that is appropriate for your business – you just need to rank for the right ones. As an endured SEO Consultant on the Gold Coast, I will help you distinguish your strongest opportunities, where your leads are hiding and how Search Engine Optimisation can lure them to your pages.

I practice 100% White Hat Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tactics to improve your business's search engine visibility in an organic and scalable way. Gold Coast SEO can be a competitive field, I work with measurable and long-term SEO techniques that will increase traffic and find qualified leads. Attaining a spot on page 1 on the Gold Coast is great, but Page 1 of Google for keywords that are going to find qualified leads to your business should always be the main objective – strategic traffic acquisition what I am most known for.  

If you want your business to be found in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) by customers, you need to be dedicated to SEO. An expert SEO consultant can lead you in the right direction so that your website ranks in search for keywords and phrases that will put your business face to face with high-converting customers.   

Can you get me to the top of Gold Coast rankings?

If you learn anything about SEO, make it this: SEO is completely dynamic. There is a myriad of factors that affect how your website will rank amongst other Gold Coast businesses in your niche. SEO is invariably always changing, and, as a local SEO Gold Coast consultant, it’s my responsibility to stay on top of the latest algorithm developments that alter the way that content is ranked in Google, Bing and other search engines.

In 2018, search engine analysis company Moz released a study revealing the most worthwhile local SEO ranking factors. The research showed that on-page keyword usage was the most powerful on-site SEO factor that is used to decide where your website will perform in the search results. Recognition of keyword trends, keyword difficulty scores, and competitor keyword usage are why you should find an SEO-centric content marketer who can accelerate your business goals.

There is no SEO guidebook or exact method for what is going to take your business to the top of the Gold Coast SERP’s. The reality is, if Google issued their ranking algorithm, they wouldn’t be able to charge marketers to utilise the AdWords platform – the service accountable for producing more than 90% of their income in 2017. It’s in Google’s best interest to preserve their organic ranking algorithm for now.

As an SEO Specialist on the Gold Coast, I must stay up to date with the latest SEO trends that shape the way that content is ranked – it’s a full-time job, literally. You’re not just paying for the words that make up your website, you’re paying for the research and approach that goes into everything that I compose.

Why Choose me as Your Gold Coast SEO Consultant?


Liam Ridings SEO Consultant

Because working with a passionate Local SEO Gold Coast Expert who takes their time to get to know your company is rare these days. Ever worked with a Marketing Agency and felt like you were just contributing to their Christmas Party Fund? When you work with me, you’re working 1 on 1 with an SEO professional who is invested in the achievements of your business. I’m passionate (and somewhat obsessed) with absorbing myself in all things SEO so that I can transfer that learning onto my clients and produce content that drives results.

My Gold Coast SEO services are customised to suit the needs, nature and goals of each business.

As a Freelance SEO Consultant, I am lucky enough to work with a wide diversity of small businesses, brands, and firms to identify opportunities for organic growth and develop content marketing resolutions that build each brand and get them in front of more converting customers. I’m not a desk guy waiting for the work to finish at 5pm. I cherish working with clients and helping them to achieve sustainable and scalable SEO solutions for their Gold Coast businesses.

Search engine optimisation FAQ

Do SEO Services Work?

Yes, but they demand perseverance and trust. Unlike PPC advertising mediums such as Google Adwords and Facebook Marketing, SEO Marketing Services are a long-term marketing solution for professionals who are earnest about the sustainability and scalability of their business. The expenses of working with an SEO specialist can be initially unsettling, but it’s important to recognise the implied revenue growth that effective Search Engine Optimisation can provide over time and compare that to the ongoing cost of paying for every customer who visits your website with Pay Per Click Marketing. For some businesses, PPC advertising is an important element of their overall digital marketing campaign, for others, they rely surely on traffic produced through Search Engine Optimisation. 


Can’t I just use content from highest ranking businesses in my niche?

No. Think of Google as the most uncompromising University Lecturer you’ve never met – no matter how skilful you think you’ve been in duplicating or grabbing content from your competitors, Google can ascertain (in less than a second) the source of that content. The term ‘duplicate content’ is a controversial issue in content marketing. Many assume that Google (and other search engines) will penalise websites who are caught trying to pass off repeated content as their own, while others believe that Google will directly overlook your content and exclude it from the SERPs. In any case, copying content from your contenders is not going to raise your organic rankings.  


My Search Engine Rankings are fluctuating every day, is this normal?

Don’t let fluctuating rankings bother you too much. Google rankings can alternate from day-to-day and always without notice. Just because you are number 1 doesn’t mean you’ll stay there permanently. Staying at the top is laborious work. Competitors are always looking to you for business best practices, hence why it takes continuous work to get to the top and maintain the position.

Here are some reasons as to why your search engine rankings can fluctuate:

  • Google has made a modification to its algorithm that affects your website

  • Google is coordinating their rankings based on the way that users are engaging with the search results

  • New competitors are entering the search engine results or are renewing their content

If there’s one thing you should know about SEO, it’s that it is completely dynamic. Nothing is ever permanent, so it’s important to observe fluctuations in traffic and get in touch with an SEO Specialist who can talk you through why it might have happened and what you can do about it.  

Is there a faster way to get listed in the Search Engines?

How quickly your new content will index and rank in the search engines will depend on many factors. The structure, domain authority, trustworthiness, how old, and how crawlable your website is can significantly influence how soon Google will index and rank your content.

SEO is a long-term marketing approach. It takes perseverance and vision to understand how the content you formulate can influence your long-term traffic.  

Google can technically index your website overnight. Nevertheless, attaining high rankings (especially for a new website) can take a little longer — up to three to six months. Your keyword mix plays an important part in getting your website to rank for competitive keywords that will draw the most profitable rankings overtime. My SEO Services will include a mix of highly competitive (lucrative) and low competition keyword targeting. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a new website ranking #1 in Google for highly competitive keywords won't happen that quickly – strategy, devising and long-term vision are critical to your SEO victory.

It's important to note that small businesses need to be wary of companies that guarantee an enormous increase in traffic within a short space of time. Black Hat SEO methods such as buying PBN links, manipulating page structure, and building thin-content pages that address very specific keywords are not something Google encourages. In some circumstances (although these are increasingly rare), Black hat SEO practices may generate short term wins for your business, but a single penalty could take your website months (or years) to recover — it is imperative to stay out of Google’s bad books.

 My Gold Coast SEO services are focussed on long term growth and online sustainability.


Are Search Engine Optimisation Services a One-Off Project?

In order for SEO to be successful and sustainable, SEO requires patience and trust. Addressing your SEO health is the most important step in your SEO campaign. My SEO services put all of the pieces in place to secure your long-term success in Google's search engine rankings.  

In the same way that your business is regularly developing and evolving to suit customer demands, so is Google. Search Engines are constantly advancing to keep up with the way that users are employing the internet. As such, Search Engines can determine the accessibility of your online business. Working with an SEO expert on your team means that whenever Google makes adjustments to its algorithm (up to 40 times per month), you can respond, and – when needed –improve your content and your website.


What is White Hat SEO?

In Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) terminology, white hat SEO is the practice of using optimisation strategies that are concentrated on the human users, rather than trying to cheat the search engines. A website that is optimised for SEO using White Hat techniques focusses on the experience of the user, rather than creating content for the sake of Google or Bing rankings.

White Hat SEO or ‘Ethical SEO’ as it is also called, is for companies who value the long-term sustainability of their online appearance. Some common White Hat SEO Techniques include keyword research, keyword analysis, link building (with an emphasis on natural, helpful link placement), well studied content, and site formation that is built on delivering the best user experience


What is Black Hat SEO?

In Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) terms, black hat SEO refers to practices involving sneaky or aggressive SEO tactics that are directed at search engines, with little regard for the user experience.

A few years ago, using these methods was a legitimate way to increase visibility. However, Google is making it increasingly difficult for Professional SEO’s to 'cheat the system' today. Old tactics such as keyword stuffing, invisible text, PBN link building, link exchange, and thin content pages are being detected and punished by Search Engines.

Black hat SEO is used by marketers looking for a quick way to gain high rankings – all the while knowing that these tactics will be penalised and de-ranked by Google. In some cases, Black Hat SEO methods can result in a website being completely restricted from a search engine – a big price to pay for honest businesses and websites.


How Do Some Companies offer such Cheap SEO Services?

As is the way with most competitive industries, Search Engine Optimisation companies can deliver varying levels of service that result in enormously different outcomes. Some Gold Coast SEO Services have surfaced offering remarkably cheap packages that promise big results, yet produce very little. Operating within a client-side marketing role, I’ve witnessed the aftermath of these cheap SEO companies first-hand.

Many of these businesses outsource their work and practice Black Hat tactics to pull one over their client's eyes. What the client doesn’t realise is that their monthly retainer is only paying for an automated SEO tool that isn’t worth the server on which it is hosted.  

You know by working with Liam Ridings Copywriter that you are working with an independent results-driven SEO expert on the Gold Coast who exercises White Hat SEO tactics that deliver scalable, lasting, and sustainable outcomes. All of the activity on your website is conducted by me, which means that any questions you have about your SEO decisions can be answered by me – without the need to get in contact with an overseas consultant.

Most importantly, my SEO Services based in the Gold Coast are thoroughly concerning generating leads and sales – not just traffic. High rankings and elevated traffic are great, but if it’s not addressed to the right spot, it’s not going to benefit your business. My SEO success is mapped against your bottom line, not just on search engine rankings in Google. 

Why Should I Work With Liam Ridings SEO Gold Coast Services?

  • I work with you one-on-one to come up with a strategy that will create sustainable search engine rankings that deliver relevant, qualified traffic to your website. 

  • My SEO Services on the Gold Coast are competitively priced, however, offer a standard of service that you won’t find engaging with a big agency.

  • I’m an SEO geek. I love search engine marketing and I thrive in keeping up to date with the latest ideas, algorithm changes and practices that I can deliver to my clients. 

  • In a word wild guarantees and astronomical promises, I’m a breath of fresh air. I will take the time to understand your business and your industry before I promise an X% increase in traffic in X amount of time. I am transparent – if I think that I can benefit your business, I’ll work with you. If I think that you’d be better off engaging with someone else – I’ll point you in the right direction. My business is built entirely on honesty and trust. 

  • I work closely with an in-house web-developer to achieve technical SEO solutions. Together, we have the capabilities to create large websites that deliver significant reach in a short amount of time. 


Does Lots of Content Equal High Rankings?

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Creating content is important, but creating the RIGHT content is critical. To rank well in Google, you must have high-quality and authentic content that provides real value to your readers..

Everyone wants to be #1 in Google. The difference between the website that is ranked #1 and the website that is on page 4 or 5 is strategic planning and adapting. The formula for SEO success is not always exact, but there are a lot of cohesions that can certainly aid your chances of reaching the desired page 1.


What is Negative SEO?

Regrettably, not all websites are completely ethical. To establish high rankings in Google, you can either bring yourself up, or push others down. In aggressive niches, it’s not uncommon for websites to perform some unethical off-site tactics that can generate negative SEO for other businesses.

When conducting an SEO Audit, one of the primary concerns that I will address is your backlink profile. To protect your site from Negative SEO, you can regularly watch your backlinks, create a disavow report, and submit them to Google.


How Frequently Should I Publish Content?

There’s no exact timeline for publishing content. How frequently you post depends on how competitive your niche is and what other websites are doing. Generally speaking however, the more regularly you can produce content, the better. New content is not only a good way to rank for new keywords and draw in new visitors, but it also provides a healthy sign to Google. The Search Engines want to know that your website is still active and relevant, and publishing new content routinely lets Google and Bing know that you’re still active.


Is SEO Free?

Not unless you work for free! When you hire for a Gold Coast SEO consultant, you're paying for a service that provides education and an expert to keep up to date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes. 


How Long Does It Take Benefit from SEO?

SEO is not a simple equation. Achieved SEO results will depend on the business, the industry and the keywords that you are targeting.

An extended website with a stable foundation and loads of links may see results in a matter of a few weeks, while a more modest or newly established website can wait months. SEO is an open-ended process. Investing in SEO is investing in the sustainability and long-term success of your business. Generally speaking, most SEO campaigns that I manage will last from 9-12 months. There are no lock in contracts and you’re free to leave at any time.